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Item Form: Liquid
Material Feature: Natural
Hair Type: Curly
Product Benefits: Hydrating

YOUR STYLE ALL DAY LONG: Keeping your curls at their fullest during the day is a challenging task, and that's why we offer you this curl hair spray. With our hair finishing spray, your coils will be moisturized and stylized as you wanted, no matter if it's summer! Lackluster is a thing from the past, with our curl spray for curly hair your mane will be luminous and lovely.
PERFECT CURLS: Comb your coils and hydrate them with our hairspray for women. If you want defined curls, our hairspray for curly hair will provide you the control you need to have perfect waves. Loving your twists is a journey, and you'll enjoy all the way thanks to our frizz ease hairspray. We want you to embrace your uniqueness with Recamier curl refresher spray for curly hair and feel proud of your twists and waves!
BOUNCY AND FRIZZ-FREE WAVES: Tired of bunning your hair? Set your mane free and show off your style and perfect coils thanks to Recamier curl enhancing hair products. We know how difficult is to find hair products that cover everything curliers need, and we've designed this hair smoothing spray to moisturize and comb your twists easier.
DEEP-CONDITIONING INGREDIENTS: Thinking about you and your beautiful curls, we've made this hair hydration spray that will provide the proteins your hair needs to be bright, moisturized and defined during the day. Our hair hydrating spray features Keratin, which rebuilds and restores your hair, providing nutrition and hydration. Among its ingredients, there's Jojoba oil, that is a component that helps to repair the hair cuticle, restoring lost shine.
TUS RIZOS LUCIRÁN COMO DESEAS: Sabemos lo difícil que puede llegar a ser darle la forma que deseas a tus ondas, pero con nuestro spray para el cabello, se volverá una tarea sencilla, y el resultado será simplemente fantástico. Gracias a nuestro spray para peinar, tus rulos estarán más definidos, además que tu peinado se verá genial durante mucho más tiempo. Tu cabello merece lo mejor para estar hidratado y libre de frizz, y por eso traemos para ti esta crema para peinar.

RECAMIER 39672 Professional Frizz Control Curly Hair Spray

$23.00 Regular Price
$20.70Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
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